Something happens to me when I paint. I could of had
the worst day or, like yesterday, been feeling really sorry for myself (bad throat, blocked sinuses..yada yada yada) but when I pick up those brushes and paint, all these happy little endorphins inside me are released and I relax. Well and truly.

Then there are these peonies..

They too, make me feel good. I've always been a fan of peonies or any other kind of flower with 'tissue-like' petals. And no, I'm not remotely jealous of
Martha's whole garden full or her beautiful
Peony Parties. Well, maybe just a smidge..
I was painting a little something for
Bob. Here's a glimpse..

"Whoa..whoa..whoa..whoa..whoa..whoa..whoa..whoa..whoa..Louis this is not my Batman glass."
*images by me